Love Around The World (North & South America edition)

Love Around The World (North & South America edition)

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What's Inside

Introduce children to the wonderful ways love is expressed in different cultures and countries across the globe. From gifting lunch boxes in Japan to adorning brides with beautiful henna designs in India, writing someone a loving poem on Sinterklaas in the Netherlands or lighting a lantern on the Chinese New Year, Love Around The World shows the ways family and friendship are celebrated around the world.

This colourful, 32-page book fully explores the themes of family and friendship all around the world. With beautifully-written words by Alli Brydon and exquisite illustrations by Wazza Pink, children will be taken on a journey to a wide variety of cultures and different ways of life. From Wales to Iran to Japan, love is, after all, a universal language.

Book Details

ISBN: 9781788684941

Edition: 1st

Publication Date: December 2020

Brydon, Alli
Pink, Wazza

Age range: 3-5

32 pages | Dimensions: 241mm width × 267mm height

Next edition due: Not yet determined

This guide is in the English language.
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