101 Small Ways to Change the World

101 Small Ways to Change the World

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What's Inside

101 Small Ways to Change the World is a practical, fun and creative book to inspire you at home, school and in your local community and beyond! Remember, all big ideas start with just one person who decides to do things differently. You could be that person.

Ideas for Caring for Others include:

  • Talk to a new kid in class
  • Start an after-school club
  • Eat less meat
  • Donate clothes and food

Ideas for Caring for the Planet include:

  • Say “no” to plastic
  • Buy local food and drink
  • Plant a tree
  • Take a shorter shower

Ideas for Caring for Yourself include:

  • Love yourself and stand tall
  • Disconnect and get outside
  • Be active
  • Spend more time with family
Book Details

ISBN: 9781787014862

Writers: Lonely Planet Kids, Aubre Andrus

Age range: 9-12

112 pages, 112pp color, 0 maps | Dimensions: 172mm × 215mm

Next edition due: Oct 2026

This guide is in the English language.

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